Tuesday, December 24, 2013

We Have to Let Students Go Bankrupt Again


 as appearing in The Street
BOSTON (MainStreet) — We've all heard the figures: Student loan debt in the United States now exceeds $1 trillion dollars, surpassing our nation's collective credit card debt.
Yet, unlike our credit card debt — or any other debt, for that matter — student loans for the most part cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. A report released in August by the Center for American Progress, though, calls for that to change.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Will the Government Now Monitor Your Credit Card Data?

 as appearing on TheStreet

NEW YORK (LowCards.com) — The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is thinking of taking a new approach to "financial protection" by monitoring 80% of all credit card transactions in the United States. This would be done through a controversial data mining program that would evaluate up to 42 billion transactions in a single year.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sneaky Late Fees: Avoiding the Discredit


  NEW YORK (MainStreet) — How well do you know the fine print on your credit card's late fees? What do you think the impact on your credit score is? How can you avoid the late fees trap?
The average number of credit cards per U.S. household is six. In comparison, the figure for Canada is two. Speaking in purely mathematical terms, Americans are three times as likely to have a problem with late fees on their credit cardhttp://www.mainstreet.com/article/moneyinvesting/credit/debt/sneaky-late-fees-avoiding-discredit# as their neighbors up north! What can we do to even the odds?