Saturday, August 31, 2013

Having the Talk: How Boomers Should Approach Aging Parent Issues

Boomers who had a rough time getting through “the talk” with their kids might be in for a surprise: there’s another uncomfortable discussion they might face--this one with aging parents.
Telling parents that it’s not safe for them to drive, live on their own or manage their finances independently can be tough—but it’s a necessary conversation.
Too often, adult children avoid having the talk until it’s too late, which can make it hard to implement changes or get the required help.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Taking Away Dad’s Checking Account

It’s one of the toughest conversations an adult child will have with a parent: helping mom or dad to understand- and accept- it's time to relinquish control of their finances.
The discussion is often fraught with emotion: anger, embarrassment, sibling rivalry and fear, just to name a few.
Moreover, it’s the kind of thing that tends to creeps up on you. Until the day it smacks you in the face. You drop by mom’s place and notice mail carelessly piled on the table; much of it appears to be bills. On the kitchen counter you find a bag stuffed with receipts and there’s cash scattered around. This is totally out of character for your neat-freak mom who insisted you straighten your room before you could go out and play. She taught high school algebra for 30 years. Now her apartment is a disorganized tangle of paperwork

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Monday, August 26, 2013

When Mom and Dad Disagree About Money

Dear Dave,
Our son is about to graduate from law school. He took out a loan to cover the cost, but we’ve been paying on it for two years to help him out. Right now, the balance on the loan is about $76,000. We could continue paying it off, but my husband is hesitant. How do you feel about this situation

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The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.

Friday, August 23, 2013

'Debt relief' firms misleading student loan borrowers

Some 'debt relief' firms are charging initial fees of up to $1,600 to secure services that these borrowers could otherwise get for free, according to the report.

Firms offering student loan "debt relief" are deceiving borrowers into paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for access to free government programs, according to a recent consumer watchdog report.
The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

15 Tips to Pump Up Your Too-Small Emergency Fund

Financial experts say your emergency fund should be big enough to cover at least three to six months' worth of expenses in case you get sick and can't work or you lose your job. Some financial advisors say an emergency fund robust enough to cover 12 months' worth of expenses is even better, but that's looking a lot like a pipe dream: A recent Bankrate survey revealed that just 24 percent of Americans have enough savings to cover at least six months of expenses, and 50 percent have less than three months' expenses saved up. And 27 percent are living paycheck to paycheck, without any savings at all.

The consequences of not having enough in emergency savings can be dire depending on the nature of your emergency. You may have to rely on credit cards if you have them, or the kindness of friends and relatives, or a high-interest short-term loan.
The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Short on Savings, Americans Still Feeling Positive


Financial Security Index Charts Short On Savings, Americans Still Feeling Positive
Americans are feeling very secure about their personal finances, according to Bankrate's June 2013 Financial Security Index. The index registered 102.7 in June. Not only is that a record high, it also marks the first time the index has been in positive territory for four straight months since the index's creation in December 2010.
The index came back with other positive records, too. The percentage of those feeling less secure about their jobs and those reporting lower net worth than last year hit all-time lows. Only 1 in 5 Americans felt their overall financial situation got worse versus the previous year, tying the lowest reading from April 2013. And 30% of consumers felt more comfortable about their debt, a new high.

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The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.


Friday, August 16, 2013

401(k) Tips for Recent College Grads

The thought of retirement may seem like the distant future to young grads, but socking away even a small amount into savings as a young adult can drastically impact the quality of post-work life.
A recent Merrill Edge report shows that young investors are starting to save much earlier with an average starting age of 22, while baby boomers started saving on average 13 years later at the age of 35.
What’s more, Gen Y, (ages 18-34), is increasingly optimistic about their retirement savings potential, with those surveyed stating they would save on average nearly $2.5 million for their retirement compared to those ages 51-64, who anticipate saving just $260,000.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 Easy Ways to Slash Summer Energy Bills

As temperatures rise, it’s common for utility bills to do the same.

A whole-house makeover isn’t necessary to begin generating energy savings this summer. Even the simplest changes can save you some serious dough in no time.
Clean filters
Want your air conditioner to run as efficiently and inexpensively as possible? Be sure to put “clean filters” at the top of your to-do list.
Dirty filters significantly block airflow and reduce a system’s efficiency. With normal airflow obstructed, air that bypasses the filter may carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and impair the coil’s heat-absorbing capacity. Clean your filter and you can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by up to 15%.
For central air conditioners, filters are

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Identity Theft Protection Companies: Separating the Hype from the Real

The identity theft prevention industry has long been defined by its habits of overpromising and underdelivering. Perhaps the best example of that was the famous LifeLock (LOCK) ad campaign, in which the company's CEO proudly announced: "My name is Todd Davis. This is my Social Security number: 457-55-5462."

The company was, in essence, boasting that its protection was so secure that its CEO could publish his Social Security number for all the world to see, without consequence.

The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

3 Retirement Strategies to Employ Before You Hit 40

It's never too early to start preparing for retirement. To make sure you're on the right path, here are three retirement strategies to put in place before hitting the big four-oh. (See also these strategies for planning in your thirties, forties, fifties and beyond). If you adopt the right moves at each stage, you'll be more able to retire when and how you want.

1. Identify, prioritize, and plan

Let's face it. Your forties are a stage of life where you are pulled in many directions -- physically, emotionally, and financially. Whittling down credit card debt, paying off your own student loans, saving for your child's college education, and contributing to your retirement all compete for your dollars. But you don't have to let it overwhelm and discourage you.

The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Inheriting Debt: How to Deal When You're Left a Money Mess

Grandma and Gramps are not doing well. In fact, the state of finances for the elderly is a shambles.

Let's start with falling home prices. The AARP found that between 2007 and 2011, "3.5 million loans held by people age 50 or older were underwater, 600,000 were in foreclosure, and another 625,000 were 90 or more days delinquent." And that doesn't include the 1.5 million seniors who lost their homes during that period.
Surprisingly, another source of distress for seniors is student loans. A shocking 2.2 million Americans age 60 or older have student loan debt, with an average balance of $19,521, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.


10 Questions to Ask Before Applying for a Bank Loan

The Law Office of Susan J. Salehi has helped 1000’s of people like yourself with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies since 1992, both in the Santa Barbara/Ventura and Kern County areas. We offer a free consultation, reasonable rates and payment plans. All of your options will be explained during your free consultation with the attorney at the Law Offices of Susan J. Salehi. Start at only $999 Attorney Fees. Restrictions Apply. Stop Foreclosures with a Chapter 13. Operators 24/7. (805) 654-1467, (818) 880-8305, (661) 631-0252, (805) 202-4688.